Thomas Reid, 'secretarie for the Latine tongue to King James the Sext':

Thomas Reid, 'secretarie for the Latine tongue to King James the Sext':

This is a past event

the man, the books, the benefactions

A talk organised by the Friends of Aberdeen University Library.

Thomas Reid, almost certainly born just outside Aberdeen, and who died in 1624 in his early 40s, played a major part in placing the Library of Marischal College on a sound footing.  The bequests of his library, of nearly 1200 titles, and 25 medieval manuscripts, along with monies to be invested for a librarian’s salary, placed Marischal College in an unparalleled position, and it is to the College’s great credit that well over a thousand of his books – many of lasting importance – are still present, and available for consultation. His life was far from uneventful, and our talk will not just concentrate on his books and manuscripts, but will also throw some light on his immediate family, and his life in London.     


Dr Iain Beavan
Special Collections Centre Seminar Room, The Sir Duncan Rice Library

01224 273385