Library workshops for PGR students

Library workshops for PGR students

This is a past event

The workshops' aim is to help you understand the resources available to you as researchers here at the University of Aberdeen, and how to get the best out of them.

Staff at the Library and the Student Learning services will run a series of Library skills sessions for PGR students the week commencing 12 June.  

Across the five workshops we will look at planning and designing search strategies, getting the best out of Google, and using the discovery tool Primo to find print and electronic materials. We will also look at how Primo can help you identify and access academic databases for journal articles and research level material in support of your thesis. We will also look at copyright issues for PGR students, including reusing other people's work ethically and legally in your theses, presentations, articles and posters, copyright in your own work and understanding Creative Commons licences. There will also be designated sessions on Academic Integrity & Referencing and on bibliographic management software ProQuest RefWorks.

There will be hands-on time for students to put into practice the instruction given and time to ask any questions you may have.

For more information and to book a place visit and change the category to 'Library Information Skills'. 

Online option: The workshops will be delivered in hybrid format. If you are unable to attend in person, there will be an option to attend the session online instead. A link will be circulated to all participants in advance of the workshops for those who wish to join in online.

Hosted by
Eleni Borompoka, Tim Riley, Chloe Alexander & Ewan Grant
MacRobert Building Comp MR117 (online attendance also available)