Library Workshop: Managing References

Library Workshop: Managing References

This is a past event

Managing References: RefWorks Part 1, recommended for Research Post-graduate students (NB not suitable for law students using the OSCOLA referencing style)

Get started with the RefWorks bibliographic management software in the creation of a formatted paper or thesis. Covers setting up your account, creating folders, getting records into your account and producing a simple bibliography. Demonstration and hands-on exercises.

Important notes: To use RefWorks you must already be familiar with using external bibliographic databases such as Scopus and Web of Knowledge. The RefWorks sessions are intense and there is no time to cover the basics of using individual databases - we strongly recommend attendance at a relevant database session before attending RefWorks Part 1.

RefWorks is of limited use for students in the School of Law because it cannot output references in the required OSCOLA citation style.

Demonstration and hands-on exercises included.

Tutor(s): Janet MacKay, Susan McCourt and Elaine Shallcross
University Library, Floor 2, PC classroom 3