Page 7 of 2361 to 70 of 222 Past Events
Iraq's Oil and Gas Industry
-This presentation will be based on Janan’s book ‘Iraq’s Oil and Gas Industry’, providing a brief outline and overview of comparative contracts against the backdrop of those historically used in Iraq’s oil sector. Author of Iraq’s Oil and Gas Industry: The Legal and Contractual Framework, Routledge, 14 June 2019. Janan is a...
'The Norwegian Offshore Wind Paradox'
-Norway possesses one of the best wind resources in Europe and arguably the world, and it is a country that prides itself on a policy of renewable electricity generation through hydropower. Equinor is a world leaders in offshore wind electricity generation, with a strong presence in the UK and the...
Enforcement of heritable securities in Scotland: reforming the law
-The Scottish Law Commission project on reform of the law of heritable securities began in 2018 and is scheduled to finish in 2022. This seminar will provide an update on the current status of the project, drawing out some of the difficulties arising from the consultation responses to the first...
The Fine Line between Collective Self-Defence and Intervention by Invitation
-This seminar will show that the use of force against ‘IS’ in Syria has refined the line between the right of collective self-defence in reaction to a non-State armed attack and the legal title to military intervention by invitation of the territorial State.MR. CLAUS KRESS Professor and Director Institute of...
It is all in EU law?
-Remaining questions on investment protection and investor-state dispute settlement within the EU legal order'
Climate Change and the Voiceless: Protecting Future Generations, Wildlife, and Natural Resources
-Future generations, wildlife, and natural resources – collectively referred to as “the voiceless” in this presentation – are the most vulnerable and least equipped populations to protect themselves from the impacts of global climate change. Domestic and international law protections are beginning to recognize rights and responsibilities that apply to...
The prospects for an ambitious treaty on marine biodiversity for the high seas
-In this talk Joanna Mossop will describe the current state of negotiations for a new UN treaty on conservation and sustainable use of marine biodiversity in areas beyond national jurisdiction. She will highlight some key points of contention in the negotiations and evaluate whether states are on track to achieve...
The prospects for an ambitious treaty on marine biodiversity for the high seas
-In this talk Joanna Mossop will describe the current state of negotiations for a new UN treaty on conservation and sustainable use of marine biodiversity in areas beyond national jurisdiction. She will highlight some key points of contention in the negotiations and evaluate whether states are on track to achieve...
Rejecting Retributivism: Free Will, Punishment, and Criminal Justice
-Abstract: One of the most prominent justifications of legal punishment, historically and currently, is retributivism, according to which wrongdoers deserve the imposition of a penalty solely for the backward-looking reason that they have knowingly done wrong. While retributivism provides one of the main sources of justification for punishment within the...
'The State Theory of Hugo Grotius: Lessons for our Time?
-Grotius is not generally considered a state theorist, but a theorist and jurist of natural law. But his accounts of natural right, sociability and sovereign power – all building blocks of his carapace of a natural legal order – generate also an exoskeleton of political order that leans upon but is not reducible to the legal order...