Page 1 of 231 to 10 of 224 Past Events
Canada's Journey with Online Harms Legislation
-Canada has never passed comprehensive intermediary liability laws, relying instead on piecemeal laws, primarily in defamation, and indirectly in privacy and competition law. Meanwhile, the UK and EU are onto their second-generation laws to address online harms. The Government of Canada undertook a multi-year consultation to develop legislation and introduced...
Regime Creation, Raw Data and Intellectual Property: Holding Power and Opening Doors
-Intellectual property (IP) and information can have a significant impact on responses to societal challenges; yet regimes created to address challenges (such as health, biodiversity and energy security) engage with legal regimes relating to IP and information in a variety of ways – from undue deference to overly proactive intervention....
AUCEL seminar - Annalisa Savaresi - A Just Transition? The Role of Litigation in the Transition towards Net Zero Societies
-Abstract The transition to net-zero societies necessitates significant changes that may exacerbate existing social inequalities and injustices. The term ‘just transition’ is employed to emphasise the justice implications of decarbonisation and its societal impacts. This concept has expanded from its original focus on labour issues to include broader considerations of procedural,...
Misleading information and investor protection in cross-border scenarios: the location of the financial loss
-Disclosure is a pivotal element of capital markets law, which performs the function of facilitating price formation and informed investment decision-making. When issuers disclose misleading information, investors may suffer a pure economic loss if there is a fall in the securities price arising from it. The investors who wish to...
Social Policy and Qualitative Research
-Dr Houghton's talk concerns the involvement of young people, particularly young abuse survivors, in policy-making, through a case study of the recent domestic abuse legislation. The first draft of the Domestic Abuse (Scotland) Bill did not mention children and young people, but an impact project with 8 young domestic abuse...
Ideology of Justice: The ICTY as a site of knowledge production by Dr Marina Veličković
-In this talk, Dr Veličković will offer an ideology critique of the International Criminal Tribunal’s (ICTY) account of the disintegration of Yugoslavia, with a particular focus on Bosnia and Herzegovina. Drawing on qualitative analysis of trial transcripts and associated trial materials in five of the ICTY seminal cases, she considers...
Law and Legal Consciousness in Medieval Scotland by Professor Hector MacQueen
-Professor MacQueen will be speaking on his new book, Law and Legal Consciousness in Medieval Scotland. This book explores the rise of a Scottish common law from the twelfth century on despite the absence until around 1500 of a secular legal profession. Key stimuli were the activity of church courts...
Responsibility to Protect: Challenges and Opportunities
-The seminar critically examines the “Responsibility to Protect” (R2P) in the context of the growing role of the individual in the United Nations. It argues that R2P illustrates a paradigm shift in international relations, from a state centred security concept to a more human security centred one. However, as will...
Law Reform in Scotland: Moveable Transactions as a Case Study
-Professor Steven’s discussion will have a twofold focus. He will firstly discuss law reform in Scotland, drawing on his experience as a Scottish law commissioner, with particular focus on the various ways that academic staff can contribute to and participate in the law reform process. Professor Steven will illustrate the...