Page 14 of 23131 to 140 of 222 Past Events
Compact Fusion Reactors: Robust Rules of Civil Liability and Efficient Regulatory Frameworks
-Speaker: Dr Roy Partain Abstract: The world is in need of renewable energy resources, and the technology of nuclear fusion, not nuclear fission, has long been identified as a potential solution. Nuclear fusion converts forms of hydrogen into helium, with a by-product of heat, which can then be used to create steam...
The Invention of New Law in the Poetry of Sir Richard Maitland of Lethington (ca.1496-1586)
-Speaker: Dr Andrew Simpson Abstract: Sir Richard Maitland of Lethington (ca.1496-1586) is perhaps best remembered today as a collector of late-medieval Scots vernacular poetry, particularly that written by William Dunbar. Yet Maitland was also an accomplished poet and indeed a historian in his own right. In his work, he explored various legal themes,...
Guest Lecture - Scotland's Options for Brexit
-A free public lecture.
Legality of the Self-Defence Action against the "Islamic State" in Syria
-Speaker: Dr Irène Couzigou Abstract: The use of armed force by a State on the territory of another State is prohibited under international law, unless the territorial State gave its consent to the resort to force. Iraq agreed with the military action against the ‘Islamic State’ on its territory. Contrary to...
Old Wine in a New Bottle: Rhetoric and the Study of Law and Emotion
-Abstract: The study of law and emotion is seen as a comparatively new discipline, yet the use of what would now be called ‘emotional intelligence’ in the practice of law has a very long history, as the famous Judgment of Solomon shows. This is particularly true of rhetoric, or the art...
Guest Lecture - The outer limit of Bangladesh's continental shelf after the delimitation of its boundaries with its neighbours: Is there still any role for the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf?
-Abstract Bangladesh, located between India and Myanmar, has had its continental shelf boundaries fully delimited by the combined effect of the 2014 award of the tribunal formed under Annex VII to the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea in the Bay of Bengal Maritime Boundary Arbitration (People’s Republic of...
Guest Lecture - Allocation of potentially catastrophic risk in the supply chain: A practical perspective
-Speaker: Robbie Brown (Former General Counsel of Wood Group) This lecture will be followed by discussion with the audience and will last approx 2 hours.
Who's to blame for youth crime: the teenage brain or the teenage offender? A field experiment at a London theatre
-Research Seminar Speaker: Robert Blakey Abstract: The capabilities of brain imaging technology are advancing, together with the novelty of its applications to increasingly complex behaviours, such as offending. This field experiment tested the effects of public engagement in neuroscience on attitudes towards young offenders. Brainstorm is a play about teenage brain development, televised...