Guest Lecture - Professor David Haverbeke

Guest Lecture - Professor David Haverbeke

This is a past event

"The role of demand side managers (aggregators) in the balancing of networks?"

Professor David Haverbeke from Fieldfisher will speak as part of the Law School's research seminar series 2014-15 on "The role of demand side managers (aggregators) in the balancing of networks?"


Energy networks are under increasing pressure to maintain balancing between supply and demand mainly for reasons of (i) ageing base-load generation capacities (ii) additional intermittent (renewable) sources of energy such as wind or solar (iii) continuing growth of end-users' demand (iv) failing new investments in generation capacities due to uncertainties in the regulatory frameworks and financial requirements. This situation has led various policymakers across the European Union to adapt capacity mechanisms, such as strategic reserves auctioning, aiming at availability of generation capacities at times of peak demand.   These capacity mechanisms are traditionally geared to additional generation supply, however they have generally not fully taken into account the potential of demand-side management proposed by balancing services providers (aggregators). These services providers analyse the flexibility of demand at (industrial) consumers, being the ability to shed off certain demand of energy at particular times, and interact on the basis of new specific regulatory and contractual arrangements with network operators and contribute as such to maintaining the balance on the networks.   The objective of the lecture is to outline these new markets from a legal and regulatory perspective and highlight some of its main features from a practitioner's point of view.

Hosted by
School of Law
MacRobert Lecture Theatre MR051

This event is free of charge; no booking is necessary.

Please visit our Research Seminar webpage for our full programme.