Family Law Reform at the Scottish Law Commission: Civil Remedies for Domestic Abuse

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Family Law Reform at the Scottish Law Commission: Civil Remedies for Domestic Abuse

This is a past event

The Scottish Law Commission is currently conducting a review of the law of civil remedies for domestic abuse. This will consider how the law in this area can be simplified, clarified, and updated. At the moment, civil remedies for domestic abuse are spread over many different statutes, which makes it confusing for practitioners to advise on and for victims / survivors to understand. There are also concerns that existing remedies don't meet the needs of victims/survivors, or provide prompt and effective protection. 

In this seminar, I will set out the work of the Commission on this project and some of the key issues we have been grappling with so far. And of course, input from the audience will be welcomed, to help inform the preparation of our Discussion Paper, due out in 2024!  

Gillian Black is a commissioner of the Scottish Law Commission and Professor of Scots Private Law at the University of Edinburgh

Gillian Black
Hosted by
School of Law
Hybrid Event (On Campus Venue - C11)

Event is free and open to everyone. If you would like to attend the event online please email Dr Irene Couzigou at