International Health Law: An Emerging Branch of International Law

In this section
International Health Law: An Emerging Branch of International Law

This is a past event

During this seminar with Dr Pedro Villarreal, we will explore the nature and scope of international health law.

We will focus on the standards adopted within the framework of the World Health Organization (WHO), human rights law, and also briefly touch on other international legal disciplines that can feed into the field of international health law, such as international environmental law, international drug control, and international trade and investment law. Human rights standards play a core role for framing the field.

Specific attention will be paid to the ‘right to health’ and to the broader interface between ‘health’ and ‘human rights’, as core concepts under international health law. By way of a case study, attention will be paid to the role of international law in relation to COVID-19

Dr Pedro Villarreal
Hosted by
University of Aberdeen, School of Law
Online Event

Online Event. No booking required. Access Link *

*Please note the link will be accessable at the start of the event.