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The Solutions and Challenges of the New Scottish Assignation in Securitisations
Emedosi, C.
Juridical Review , no. 4 (2024), pp. 236-246
Contributions to Journals: Articles
Open Access
Reflections on the Future of Moveable Security in Scotland: Property and Ranking Challenges
Macpherson, A.
Juridical Review , vol. 2024, no. 4, pp. 247-257
Contributions to Journals: Articles
Open Access
Response to House of Lords Special Public Bill Committee Call for Evidence on Property (Digital Assets etc) Bill
Macpherson, A., McKenzie Skene, D., Yüksel Ripley, B., Ainslie, J., Emedosi, C., West, E.
University of Aberdeen: School of Law. 4 pages.
Other Contributions: Other Contributions
Digital Assets in Scots Private Law: With a focus on Private International Law Matters and Developing International Frameworks
Yüksel Ripley, B., Macpherson, A., Carey, L.
EAPIL blog.
Other Contributions: Other Contributions
Past, Present and Future: Scrutiny of retained EU law and assimilated law at the UK and Scottish Parliaments
Taylor, R., Wilson, A. L. M.
ZParl Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen , vol. 55, no. 3, pp. 606-618
Contributions to Journals: Articles
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Accepted Manuscript deposited in University of Strathclyde repository under 12 month embargo.
Sentencing Rape Offences – A Scottish Sentencing Council Consultation:: Response by the Centre for Scots Law at the University of Aberdeen
West, E., Fassnidge, J., Crilly, C. R.
University of Aberdeen: School of Law.
Other Contributions: Other Contributions
Open Access
Intra-UK and International Dimensions of Digital Assets for Scotland: With a focus on Private International Law Matters and Developing International Frameworks: Report on Workshop 3
Yüksel Ripley, B., Macpherson, A., Carey, L.
University of Aberdeen: School of Law. 14 pages
Books and Reports: Commissioned Reports
Scope of Insurer's Liability under the Third Parties (Rights Against Insurers) Act 2010
Carey, L.
Edinburgh Law Review , vol. 28, no. 3, pp. 411-417
Contributions to Journals: Articles
Digital Object Identifier
Small and State Funded: An Empirical Study of Liquidations in Scotland (Blog Article)
Hardman, J., Macpherson, A.
Singapore Global Restructuring Initiative.
Other Contributions: Other Contributions
Commercial Law in Scotland
Macgregor, L., Carey, L., Hardman, J., Macpherson, A., Richardson, L.
W Green/Thomson Reuters
Books and Reports: Books
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