Page 1 of 6Results 1 to 10 of 60, 04 October 2022 - 04 November 2024
Law School Research Centres hosted a successful book launch for Dr Chike Emedosi's new book
On 23 October 2024, the Centres for Commercial Law and Scots Law co-hosted a celebratory launch for Dr Chike Emedosi's new book, 'The Transfer of Rights in Securitisations: A Law and Economics Analysis'.
School of Law's Professor Abbe Brown Participates in Historic Breakthrough at WIPO Conference
In a landmark development today, WIPO member states approved a groundbreaking new Treaty related to intellectual property (IP), genetic resources, and associated traditional knowledge. This historic breakthrough marks the culmination of decades of negotiations, setting a new precedent in the field of international IP law. Last week, the School of Law’s...
Dr Rossana Ducato at the annual meeting of the Canon Foundation in Europe
On the 1st of December, Dr Rossana Ducato attended the annual meeting of the Canon Foundation in Europe, organised at the University of Vienna. The foundation supports researchers interested in exploring the mutual relationships between Europe and Japan. Rossana was awarded a fellowship in 2023, which allowed her to spend...
Senior Law Lecturer awarded place within prestigious Arbitration Academy
After a competitive process, Dr Alvarez, Senior Lecturer, University of Aberdeen's School of Law, has been selected to be part of the 2023-2024 ICC Advanced Arbitration Academy for Latin America. Around 40 selected candidates will travel and participate in eight workshops organised in Miami, São Paulo, Buenos Aires, Mexico City, and Lima from November...
Held, MacPherson and Yüksel Ripley co-authored a report on Cryptocurrencies in the UK
School of Law Lecturers Dr Alisdair MacPherson and Dr Burcu Yüksel Ripley, alongside Amy Held of the University of Vienna and Bar of England and Wales, acted as Special Rapporteurs for the UK for the International Academy of Comparative Law (IACL)’s General Report on ‘Cryptocurrencies: the impossible domestic law regime?’ (Asunción 2022...
A Successful Early Career Researchers Retreat organised by the School of Law
Early Career Law Academics took part in a Research Retreat which took place in Cromarty between 3 and 6 July 2023. The Retreat was organised by the School of Law ECR Representative - Patricia Živković.
Dr Adebola spoke at a Side Event to the 67th Session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women
Towards Closing the Gender Gap in Science, Technology and Innovation in Developing Countries: Side Event, 67th Session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women
Dr Alvarez authored a case for 20th Anniversary of the Mexican Arbitration Centre and Moot Mexico
To celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the Mexican Arbitration Centre (CAM) and the creation of Moot Mexico, Dr Gloria M Alvarez (Senior Lecturer in Dispute Resolution) was invited to author the first case related to a windfarm investment project under the CAM rules. The case posed challenging and relevant questions regarding...
Prof. Stephen Girvin gave a seminar on carbon-free shipping
The Centre for Commercial Law was delighted to welcome Professor Stephen Girvin, Director of the Centre for Maritime Law, National University of Singapore on 16 November 2022. Professor Girvin presented a seminar titled “Carbon-free Shipping: Contracts in Context” where he explained the forthcoming updates to the International Maritime Organisation’s International Convention...
Prof Wakui gave a seminar on regulatory challenges regarding news media and digital platforms
On 12th September 2022, Professor Masako Wakui of Kyoto University visited the Centre for Commercial Law (CCL) and offered a seminar under the title of “News media and digital platforms: regulatory challenges in Japan”. The seminar was delivered in a hybrid format, under the moderation of Dr Claudio Lombardi from the CCL and...