Page 1 of 41 to 10 of 31 Past Events
CCL Seminar: Generative AI: Promises and (Business) Challenges
-Tailored for the audience who are interested in Gen AI in general, this presentation aims to delve into the structural impact of Gen AI on the infrastructure of the digital era and scrutinize Gen AI players’ business strategy and profitability. On the former issue, foundation models are assumed as INTELLIGENCE...
CCL Seminar: Reforming the Foundations of UK Company Law to Promote Sustainability
-Company law serves as a potential impediment to the realization of sustainability, which aims to establish a safe and just global space for humanity. The prevailing perspective in company law contends that, while pursuing value maximisation, companies produce externalities that impact society. However, these effects are often perceived as confined...
CCL Seminar Series: History and Intellectual Property Law: Why?
-In the last two decades, research into the history of intellectual property law has been on the rise. Flagship projects, such as the AHRC-funded Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900) have revealed the scope and range of relevant materials, and made them accessible to those without physical access to the archives,...
CCL Seminar Series: An Introduction to Intellectual Property
-Steven Suèr has joined Murgitroyd’s Aberdeen office in 2018 as a Director and Head of Technical Training, having previously worked with IP attorney firms Graham Watt and Co. and Ablett & Stebbing, holding partner roles in both firms. He is well versed a variety of technologies, focused on the mechanical engineering...