The Evolving Commercial Law Landscape
Centre for Commercial Law launched “The Evolving Commercial Law Landscape” series to unpack contemporary issues within its key areas of focus.
The Research Centre for Commercial Law, launched in 2018, brings together researchers across the broad groups of:
The Centre aims to promote multidisciplinary, sustainable and inclusive research and scholarship locally, nationally and internationally across its research pillars. The Centre's work frequently crosses fields, and this is particularly so regarding Dispute Resolution which is an established research area in its own right but also forms a key part of the others.
The Centre serves as a dynamic hub for law academics, legal practitioners, those working in related professions, industry representatives, activists and policymakers, to engage with and support each other's research interests, ideas, and projects. The Centre, with its staff, PGR and associate members, provides opportunities for synergy and rich engagement, promotes impact generation and knowledge exchange, and contributes to the development of commercial law and practice locally, nationally and internationally through world-leading publications, collaborative research projects, high-profile research activities and events, and public policy and stakeholder engagement. The Centre has strong links with the School's active PhD research community. Many colleagues within the Centre for Commercial Law are also affiliated with other Research Centres at the University of Aberdeen and beyond, within the UK and internationally, thereby further broadening horizons for collaboration.
The Centre works as a coherent whole across its four groups, promoting
To achieve these aims, the Centre
The vision of the Centre is guided by Aberdeen 2040 and its overall research strategy is reviewed and updated in accordance with School's research strategy.