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  • Response to Scottish Government Consultation on Moveable Transactions (Scotland) Act 2023 - Insolvency

    Macpherson, A., McKenzie Skene, D.

    University of Aberdeen: School of Law.

    Other Contributions: Other Contributions

  • Response to UK Jurisdiction Taskforce (of the LawtechUK Delivery Panel) Consultation on Digital Assets and English Insolvency Law

    Macpherson, A., McKenzie Skene, D., Emedosi, C.

    University of Aberdeen: School of Law.

    Other Contributions: Other Contributions

  • Response to Scottish Government Consultation on Trusts and Succession (Scotland) Bill – Removal of Unlawful Killers as Executors

    Macpherson, A., Paisley, R.

    University of Aberdeen: School of Law. 3 pages.

    Other Contributions: Other Contributions

  • John MacLeod, Fraud and Voidable Transfer: Edinburgh: Edinburgh Legal Education Trust (, 2020. xxxii +255 pp. ISBN: 9781999611842. £30.

    West, E.

    Edinburgh Law Review, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 118-120

    Contributions to Journals: Reviews of Books, Films and Articles

  • Accretion of Title in Scots Law: Property Law Doing what the Granter is Obliged to Do

    Macpherson, A., Peterson, A.

    Iurium Itinera: Historische Rechtsvergleichung und vergleichende Rechtsgeschichte – Historical Comparative Law and Comparative Legal History. Reinhard Zimmermann zum 70. Geburtstag am 10. Oktober 2022. Jansen, N., Meier, S. (eds.). Mohr Siebeck, pp. 821-845, 24 pages

    Chapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings: Chapters

  • Response to Scottish Parliament (Delegated Powers and Law Reform Committee) Consultation on Moveable Transactions (Scotland) Bill

    Macpherson, A., Emedosi, C., McKenzie Skene, D., Paisley, R.

    University of Aberdeen: School of Law (Document). 5 pages.

    Other Contributions: Other Contributions

  • Response to Scottish Law Commission Consultation on Eleventh Programme of Law Reform

    Ainslie, J., Duff, P., Macpherson, A., Styles, S., Wilke, J., Wilson, A. L. M., Wilson, K.

    University of Aberdeen: School of Law.

    Other Contributions: Other Contributions

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