Prof. Tina Hunter and Dr. Daria Shapovalova are at the Northern Arctic Federal University
Prof. Tina Hunter and Dr. Daria Shapovalova are in Arkhangelsk today and tomorrow as part of the part of the Development of the UK-Russia Arctic Research and Collaboration Network.
Prof Tina Hunter presented at the "Russian Revolution in the Nordic Perspective" Conference in Oslo
Our Professor Tina Hunter presented a paper titled 'Real property law in pre- and post-Soviet Russia: has the Revolution altered Russia's legal regime?' in Oslo at a conference: 'Russian Revolution in the Nordic Perspective' in November. Tina has a long-standing interest in the Russian Revolution, and Russian legal culture post-Soviet...
Malcolm Combe in Loyola University New Orleans
Malcolm Combe has been in Loyola University New Orleans as a guest of Professor John Lovett, a leading expert on land law in Louisiana and beyond. Malcolm presented papers to faculty and students on Scottish land reform and environmental law. At the end of the month, the School of Law...