Page 1 of 1Results 1 to 8 of 8, 04 - 31 January 2019
Dr Yiallourides presents at Tokyo International Law Colloquium
The Law School's Dr Yiallourides gave a guest seminar at the International Law Colloquium organised by the Graduate Schools of Law and Politics of the University of Tokyo, Japan.
Professor Duff Delivers a Lecture a Workshop in Bangkok
Professor Peter Duff gave a lecture at a workshop on “Public Prosecutor’s role on Woman’s Right Protection in the Criminal Justice” on the 23rd – 25th January in Bangkok. During the workshop, Professor Duff presented a paper on: “The protection of female victim and vulnerable witness’ right in Scottish Criminal Justice...
Professor Paterson attends Energy Law Seminar in The Hague
Professor John Paterson was invited to give two presentations at the 30th European Energy Law Seminar, organised by the Dutch Energy Law Association in The Hague, 21st-22nd January 2019. The annual seminar gathers energy lawyers from around Europe to discuss current issues in the field. John's first presentation dealt with the role of independent regulators offshore, whilst...
DPLP Investment Game Competition
Congratulations to Diploma in Professional Legal Practice students Colin Dalgarno and Heather Hall, who made £2,671 and £2,621 respectively in this year's DPLP Investment Game competition. The competition is a simulation of the FTSE 100 market and is part of the DPLP Business Environment and Ethics course. The students invested...
Professor Tina Soliman Hunter presents a paper at University of Bergen Conference
Professor Soliman Hunter presented a paper at the international conference: ‘Developments in the Energy Markets: A multidisciplinary perspective’ hosted by The Bergen Centre for Competition Law & Economics. The conference took place on the 14-15th Janaury at the University of Bergen. Professor Soliman Hunter’s presented a paper entitled: ‘Changing role of...
Professor Zeray Yihdego presents paper at Workshop on Water Cooperation and Diplomacy in Sudan
As part of the Workshop on Water Cooperation and Diplomacy in the Nile Basin hosted by the University of Khartoum, Sudan, Professor Zeray Yihdego presented his paper "The Fairness Dilemma in sharing Nile waters: an international perspective."
DAFNE project team submits report on Zambezi and Omo-Turkana river basins
The University of Aberdeen DAFNE team, led by Professor Zeray Yihdego and supported by Julie Gibson, submitted a report on the legal and policy frameworks within the Zambezi and Omo-Turkana river basins in December 2018.
David Lessels - a Tribute
It is with great sadness that we announce the death of Professor David Lessels, as reported in The Scotsman today. Prior to his retirement in 2013, David spent 40 years as a Lecturer and Senior Lecturer within the Law School. Upon retirement, he was appointed an Honorary Professor, a tribute...