The School of Law Graduations took place on Tuesday 18th of June for LLM, PhD, LLB, LLB with Honours, MA legal Studies and DPLP graduands.
Congratulations to all our graduates on receiving their degrees and diplomas. The day's events commenced with the Law Ceremony at 11am in the new marquee, followed by the now traditional Law School 'class of' photos for all law graduates.
Here are the official photographs.
LLM and PhD Graduates
DPLP Graduates
LLB and MA Graduates
The ceremonies were celebrated with a reception in the Law School Quad from 12.30pm onwards.
Following the main law graduation ceremony the Honours Prize Winners were presented with their awards in the Taylor Library.
The prize winners are listed below.
The Cloch Intellectual Property Prize was awarded to Bibiane Elberese for her dissertation ‘Who owns the copyrights over AI generated works?’ and was presented to her on behalf of Cloch Solicitors by Head of School Dr Greg Gordon.
The Captain MacFarland / Ranjit Memorial Prize was awarded to Anna Black and was presented by Amrit MacFarland.
The Cruickshank Law Prize for the best student completing the degree of LLB with first class Honours was awarded to Kehui Lu and was presented to her on behalf of Cloch Solicitors by the Head of School Dr Greg Gordon.
The Family Law Association Prize was awarded to Phoebe Crane and was presnted to her on behalf of Family Law Association by the Head of School Dr Greg Gordon.
The Robert Milne Memorial Prize was presented to Jonathan Andrews by Ian Milton.
The Robertson Prize for an Honours dissertation on a subject connected with Scots Law was awarded to Mikolaj Kudlinski. It was presented to him by the Head of School Dr Greg Gordon, Mikolaj's dissertation was entitled ' Does inter naturalia have a future? The origins, development and potential demise of the inter naturalia doctrine in the Scots law of Leases'.
The Society of Advocates Prizes were presented by Duncan Love, Junior Vice President of Society of Advocates and were awarded as follows:
1st prize for her Dissertation 'The Future Choice of Court and Arbitration Agreements under the New York Convention, the Hague Choice of Court Convention, and the Draft Hague Judgments Convention' was awarded to Rouzana Kasem.
2nd prize for his dissertation 'Rape in Scotland- an issue of juror misconceptions?' was awarded to James Christie.
2nd prize for her dissertation 'A selective Analysis of the Draft Hague Convention on Judgments and the Brussels la regulation: Limited Direct Impact and some Inspirations for Reform' was awarded to Kehui Lu.
The Stronachs Prize in Rural Law was awarded to Catherine Donald, and was presented by David Marshall, Stronachs.
Follow our Facebook page to see graduate interviews and the gallery of photos from the day.
Congratulations and good luck with your future plans!