Page 4 of 2131 to 40 of 203 Past Events
SGSAH Seminar "IntERConnecting: a chat with ERC scholars on the role of interdisciplinarity in legal research"
-The webinar aims to offer PGR students a clearer and inspiring view on how interdisciplinarity can be developed in legal studies, putting them in conversation with successful European Research Council (ERC) researchers.Our guest speakers will be Dr Louisa Rosemary Park (Associate Professor of Political Sociology at the University of Trento),...
Diversity & Inclusiveness In International Arbitration: Challenges, Progress and Excuses
-The School of Law ED&I Committee presents the inaugural event in our EDI in Law events series.
Law and the Future: Managing the Increased Resort to Technology
-The School of Law is delighted to host the second SCOTLIN* conference on the 27th and 28th of March 2023.
Negotiation of International Wind Power Contract - a personal perspective
-This lecture is rooted in my personal experience negotiating international wind power contracts. It starts with a short presentation of some useful negotiation theory before presenting some of the particularity of construction contracts and renewable energy execution contracts. Finally I will present some interesting “war stories” and share with the...
Cross-Border Litigation in Central Europe: EU Private International Law Before National Courts
-In this webinar, we will focus on the practical application and the challenges of EU Private International Law in the Member States and present the research findings of the multi-year EU-funded CEPIL project carried out by six universities and covering ten Central European Member States. The book presenting the project’s...
Roundtable on Nigeria's Creative Industries Development Bill 2013 (CIDB).
-The CIDB is a whole of government approach to championing an executive Bill designed to bridge the gap between the Nigerian Creative industries and the Nigerian Government to build a vibrant, profitable creative sector. When passed into law, the CIDB aims to accelerate the growth of Nigeria’s creative sector through...
Funding research and innovative teaching practices
-The talk provides an overview of the main EU programmes designed to fund transnational cooperation projects and to support research initiatives and innovation in teaching practices. Based on the personal experience gained in running EU projects over the past years, the analysis focuses on: 1) Erasmus+, the main EU programme...
BRUNCH ROUNDTABLE: Digitalisation in Legal Education & Legal Profession
-DIGinLaw team at the School of Law, University of Aberdeen, is organising a roundtable on Digitalisation in Legal Education & Legal Profession. Join us online for a discussion on digital trends and digital competencies in the legal profession, and best practices for acquiring them.
BRUNCH ROUNDTABLE: Digitalisation in Legal Education & Legal Profession
-Programme 10.45 am – 11.00 am Registration 11.00 am – 11.05 am Welcome & Introduction to the DIGinLaw project (Dr Katarina Trimmings) Session 1: Digitalisation and Higher Education Moderator: Dr Rossana Ducato 11.05 am – 11.15 am DIGinLaw MOOC ‘Algorithmic Discrimination: A Blueprint for a...
Prof John Underhill, Director of the Centre for Energy Transition (CET) - Visit to the Law School
-Information: The Law School is delighted to announce that Prof John Underhill, Director of the Centre for Energy Transition, will be visiting the Law School to update us directly on CET activities, and to meet and speak with staff members. The visit will: allow Prof Underhill to share latest developments around...