Page 1 of 31 to 100 of 203 Past Events
AUCEL seminar: Energy Policy Making: A Practitioner's Perspective
-We will have coffees/sandwiched in the room for 12.30 so please do come early. We are pleased to welcome back to Aberdeen, our LLM alumna, Anca Mihalache, who is now the Head of Smart Energy Policy at DESNZ. The presentation will provide an overview of the energy policy-making process in Great Britain,...
ACCPIL Seminar: The United Nations Convention against Cybercrime: A Chinese Perspective by Professor Zhixiong Huang
-The UN Convention against Cybercrime adopted by the UN General Assembly in December 2024 is the result of an enduring east-west rivalry, from the early debate from November 2019 on whether a new UN convention was needed, to the entire process up to August 2024. The seminar will first trace the controversies surrounding the...
Giant Pylons: Why Here, Why Now in NE Scotland: a Workshop to Explore Law, Policy and the Bigger Picture
-The aim of this workshop is to assess the position post election and identify questions on law and policy reform relating to infrastructure linked to renewable energy. This will be contextualised by consideration of just why ‘ giant pylons’ are such a hot button issue in the NE of Scotland....
Giant Pylons: Why Here, Why Now in NE Scotland: a Workshop to Explore Law, Policy and the Bigger Picture
-The aim of this workshop to assess the position post election and identify questions on law and policy reform relating to infrastructure linked to renewable energy. This will be contextualised by consideration of just why ‘ giant pylons’ are such a hot button issue in the NE of Scotland. This...
CCL Seminar: Generative AI: Promises and (Business) Challenges
-Tailored for the audience who are interested in Gen AI in general, this presentation aims to delve into the structural impact of Gen AI on the infrastructure of the digital era and scrutinize Gen AI players’ business strategy and profitability. On the former issue, foundation models are assumed as INTELLIGENCE...
CCL Seminar: Reforming the Foundations of UK Company Law to Promote Sustainability
-Company law serves as a potential impediment to the realization of sustainability, which aims to establish a safe and just global space for humanity. The prevailing perspective in company law contends that, while pursuing value maximisation, companies produce externalities that impact society. However, these effects are often perceived as confined...
Book launch event in memory of the late Professor Jonathan Fitchen
-On 31 May 2024, the Law School will be holding a book launch event in memory of the late Professor Jonathan Fitchen - a former Director of the Aberdeen Centre for Private International Law and a distinguished private international law scholar, who passed away after a brief illness on the 22nd...
Project Workshop: 'Laying the Foundations for a Restatement of Scots Private International Law'
-On 31 May 2024, the Centre for Private International Law will be holding the second workshop in a series of workshops organised under the auspices of an RSE-funded research project titled 'Laying the Foundations for a Restatement of Scots Private International Law'. The aim of this collaborative project is to...
Second Postgraduate Law Conference of the Centre for Private International Law
-Building on the success of its 1st Postgraduate Law Conference, the Centre for Private International Law (CPIL) of the University of Aberdeen is pleased to host the 2nd Postgraduate Law Conference, to be held on 6th May 2024 as a virtual event. The Conference will bring together early career scholars...
CCL Seminar: Copyright and Artificial Intelligence - Is there Anything New to Say?
-This seminar seeks to shift to some extent the emphasis of the current discussion on copyright and AI. It stresses the primary, purely economic concerns behind the drive for AI-product protection which are little considered. Furthermore, it underlines the difference between true human creativity and AI-imitation which cannot be a...
Recent Development of Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships (MASS) and Regulatory Guidelines in Japan
-A broad ranging discussion on recent innovations in collision-based liability to autonomous vessel shipowners of remote controlled vessels and over semi-autonomous vessels. First of all, the presentation will discuss the recent technological developments by NYK Line, Japan’s biggest shipping company. Second, this presentation considers the detailed guidelines for autonomous vessels...
AI and International Contracts: What law applies if your "smart fridge" takes over...?
-Join our webinar with Prof Tim Dornis, Leibniz Universität Hannover. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is everywhere. It not only drives your car, operates your Google searches, organizes your Netflix movies and your Spotify music selection. Sooner or later, it will also take over your household: Some of us own an autonomous cleaning device...
The Role of Climate and Energy Law in Sustainable Transition
-Law plays a pivotal role in the pursuit of sustainable transitions. Highly ambitious sustainability goals, and the societal transformation they require, are unlikely to materialize in the desired timescale without law facilitating them. Law is, however, a complex societal system that can also entail significant barriers to sustainable transitions. Existing...
CPD: Boundary Disputes and Boundary Structures
-CPD Speaker: Professor Roderick Paisley, Professor of Scots Law Roddy's chief research interests are the law of property, trusts and succession with a special interest in the law of servitudes. Abstract: This seminar will address aspects of the ownership and liability for repair of boundary structures in Scots law. The seminar presentation will...
Crimes against Women in Armed Conflicts: Recent Developments in International Humanitarian Law
-The seminar will give an overview of the developments in the law on crimes against women in armed conflicts after World War II. It will cover both the statutory international law (Statutes of the Nuremberg/Tokyo Tribunals of 1945/46, Geneva Conventions of 1949, Statutes of the Former Yugoslavia/Rwanda ad-hoc Tribunals of...
AUCEL Energy Seminars 2023/2024/ACCPIL Seminar - Rising Seas and Retreating Coasts: Sea Level Rise Impacts on Maritime Baselines, Limits and Boundaries
-AUCEL (Energy Seminars 2023/2024) and ACCPIL jointly welcome Prof Clive Schofield to Aberdeen Abstract: The presentation outlines the causes and consequences of climate change induced sea level rise. It considers the sea level rise predictions of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The legal framework for coastal baselines and insular features...
CCL Seminar Series: History and Intellectual Property Law: Why?
-In the last two decades, research into the history of intellectual property law has been on the rise. Flagship projects, such as the AHRC-funded Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900) have revealed the scope and range of relevant materials, and made them accessible to those without physical access to the archives,...
AUCEL Energy Seminars 2023/2024 - Local Communities, Environmental Justice and Just Transition: Reflections from The Bayelsa State Oil Commission Report
-AUCEL Energy Seminars 2023/2024 welcomes Prof Engobo Emeseh Local Communities, Environmental Justice and Just Transition: Reflections from The Bayelsa Sate Oil Commission Report The Bayelsa State Oil and Environment Commission Report, ‘An Environmental Genocide: The Human and Environmental Cost of Big Oil in Bayelsa, Nigeria, published in May 2023, provides one of...
Strategic Litigation Against Public Participation (SLAPPs): How private international law rules are silencing public watchdogs
-Join a webinar with Prof Justin Borg Barthet and Dr Francesca Farrington, University of Aberdeen. Strategic Litigation Against Public Participation or SLAPPs refers to legal actions or threats of legal action that are initiated to suppress communications on matters of public interest. The targets of SLAPPs are a broad range of public...
CCL Seminar Series: An Introduction to Intellectual Property
-Steven Suèr has joined Murgitroyd’s Aberdeen office in 2018 as a Director and Head of Technical Training, having previously worked with IP attorney firms Graham Watt and Co. and Ablett & Stebbing, holding partner roles in both firms. He is well versed a variety of technologies, focused on the mechanical engineering...
Law & Racial Injustice by Dr Bharat Malkani
-Join Dr Bharat Malkani as he explores the connections between law and racial injustice as part of the School of Law's Black History Month programme. Dr Malkani’s research lies at the intersection of human rights and criminal justice, with a particular focus on the death penalty, racism, and miscarriages of justice....
Protection of international families post-Brexit through the Conventions of the Hague Conference on Private International Law: Online Workshop with Central Authorities
-On 25th October 2023, members of the Centre for Private International Law (Prof Katarina Trimmings, Ms Konstantina Kalaitsoglou, and Mr Le Xuan Tung) will be holding an online workshop with Central Authorities, under the auspices of an RSE-funded research project titled ‘Protection of international families with links to the European...
Exploring The Nexus Between Energy, Food Security and Climate Change in Africa
-The Global South Research Law Network, School of Law, University of Aberdeen presents their inaugural event which will explore intersections between Energy, Food Security, and Climate Change Law in Africa.
The Right to Disconnect: Creating Space for a New Term Implied by Law
-A French labour law commenced in 2017 attempting to preserve a ‘right to disconnect’, requiring companies with 50 employees or more to negotiate policies about work-related communications with employees outside work. This legislation points to a universal problem, equally affecting employees beyond France. The expectation to stay connected out-of-hours is...
Citizenship and Borders: The Meaning and Cost of 'Belonging' through the Lenses of the 'Public' and 'Private'
-Joint Seminar with a Guest Scholar Organised by the ACCPIL with the Support of CIRSUL
Developing a Model Anti-SLAPP Law for Scotland
-The Anti-SLAPP Research Hub, University of Aberdeen warmly invites you to attend our forthcoming workshop 'Developing a Model Anti-SLAPP Law for Scotland'
SGSAH Seminar "IntERConnecting: a chat with ERC scholars on the role of interdisciplinarity in legal research"
-The webinar aims to offer PGR students a clearer and inspiring view on how interdisciplinarity can be developed in legal studies, putting them in conversation with successful European Research Council (ERC) researchers.Our guest speakers will be Dr Louisa Rosemary Park (Associate Professor of Political Sociology at the University of Trento),...
Diversity & Inclusiveness In International Arbitration: Challenges, Progress and Excuses
-The School of Law ED&I Committee presents the inaugural event in our EDI in Law events series.
Law and the Future: Managing the Increased Resort to Technology
-The School of Law is delighted to host the second SCOTLIN* conference on the 27th and 28th of March 2023.
Negotiation of International Wind Power Contract - a personal perspective
-This lecture is rooted in my personal experience negotiating international wind power contracts. It starts with a short presentation of some useful negotiation theory before presenting some of the particularity of construction contracts and renewable energy execution contracts. Finally I will present some interesting “war stories” and share with the...
Cross-Border Litigation in Central Europe: EU Private International Law Before National Courts
-In this webinar, we will focus on the practical application and the challenges of EU Private International Law in the Member States and present the research findings of the multi-year EU-funded CEPIL project carried out by six universities and covering ten Central European Member States. The book presenting the project’s...
Roundtable on Nigeria's Creative Industries Development Bill 2013 (CIDB).
-The CIDB is a whole of government approach to championing an executive Bill designed to bridge the gap between the Nigerian Creative industries and the Nigerian Government to build a vibrant, profitable creative sector. When passed into law, the CIDB aims to accelerate the growth of Nigeria’s creative sector through...
Funding research and innovative teaching practices
-The talk provides an overview of the main EU programmes designed to fund transnational cooperation projects and to support research initiatives and innovation in teaching practices. Based on the personal experience gained in running EU projects over the past years, the analysis focuses on: 1) Erasmus+, the main EU programme...
BRUNCH ROUNDTABLE: Digitalisation in Legal Education & Legal Profession
-DIGinLaw team at the School of Law, University of Aberdeen, is organising a roundtable on Digitalisation in Legal Education & Legal Profession. Join us online for a discussion on digital trends and digital competencies in the legal profession, and best practices for acquiring them.
BRUNCH ROUNDTABLE: Digitalisation in Legal Education & Legal Profession
-Programme 10.45 am – 11.00 am Registration 11.00 am – 11.05 am Welcome & Introduction to the DIGinLaw project (Dr Katarina Trimmings) Session 1: Digitalisation and Higher Education Moderator: Dr Rossana Ducato 11.05 am – 11.15 am DIGinLaw MOOC ‘Algorithmic Discrimination: A Blueprint for a...
Prof John Underhill, Director of the Centre for Energy Transition (CET) - Visit to the Law School
-Information: The Law School is delighted to announce that Prof John Underhill, Director of the Centre for Energy Transition, will be visiting the Law School to update us directly on CET activities, and to meet and speak with staff members. The visit will: allow Prof Underhill to share latest developments around...
Systematic Content Analysis of Judicial Decisions
-Systematic content analysis of legal texts consists of applying social science methods to case law research. According to Hall and Wright, there are three main phases of content analysis: 1) case selection and creation of a database; 2) coding of cases according to rigorous selection criteria; 3) analysis of the cases...
Crossroads in Private International Law Webinar: The Private Side of Transforming our World: UN Sustainable Development Goals 2030 and the Role of Private International Law
-Speaker: Prof Dr Verónica Ruiz Abou-Nigm, Chair of Private International Law, School of Law, University of Edinburgh Moderator: Prof Laura Carballo Piñeiro, Universida de Vigo In this webinar, we will focus on the role of private international law in implementing the sustainable development goals (SDGs) of the United Nations 2030 Agenda. The edited volume The Private...
LGBTQ inclusion Workshop at the School of Law
-The EDI committee would like to invite all interested students and staff members to an informal discussion on LGBT+ inclusion at the Law School. The Workshop will provide students and staff with the opportunity to share their experiences and make suggestions on how we might work together to make the...
Carbon-free Shipping and Shipping Carbon - Contracts in Context
-On 16th November, our Centre for Commercial Law is delighted to host Prof Stephen Girvin (Centre for Maritime Law, National University of Singapore) for his seminar on 'Carbon-free Shipping and Shipping Carbon - Contracts in Context'.
'Two-Track Pandemic' Indeed; Access to Covid-19 related Technologies and Justice
-The requirement of providing patent protection to pharmaceutical products as a result of the TRIPS agreement has been debated since the agreement entered into force. After HIV/AIDS epidemic, Covid-19 has sparked controversy between access to medicine and property rights one more time. India and South Africa proposed a temporal waiver...
Social, Legal, and Ethical Implications of Machines Learning about Our Emotions and Intentions
-Speaker: Dr Patricia Živković Moderator: Dr Luci Carey
Private international law's contribution to the regulation of Artificial Intelligence (AI): an EU perspective
-*This event is part of the 'Crossroads in Private International Law' webinar series, organised by the Centre for Private International Law.
International Law and Technological Progress Conference
-The University of Aberdeen is organising a third conference in International Law, following the conferences in the same field hosted by the University of Edinburgh in April 2019 and the University of Glasgow in May 2021. We thereby continue a series of successful conferences that aim to strengthen the leadership...
Webinar - Strategic Climate Change Litigation in the EU: Between Judicial Restraint and Proactive Judicial Policy
-*This is the first event in our new Crossroads in Private International Law webinar series, organised by the Centre for Private International Law. Nevena Jevremović, Honorary Lecturer, School of Law, University of Aberdeen Moderated by Professor Guillaume Laganière, Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM) The overall passivity of the individual states to take meaningful action...
An Overview of the Paris Agreement after COP26
-AUCEL Energy Seminar Series 2021-2022: Professor Voigt will give a brief overview of the topics that were discussed at COP26 as well as their outcome.
PhD Book Club - European Private International Law in a Digital World
-The event is organized under the auspices of the Digital in Law project, co-funded by Erasmus-plus Programme of the European Union.The objectives of the events are to: 1) stimulate the PhD students’ critical thinking and to 2) extend and redefine their existing knowledge considering digital technologies in law. The event will bring together...
The First Postgraduate Law Conference of the Centre for Private International Law
The Centre for Private International Law (CPIL) of the University of Aberdeen is pleased to host its first postgraduate conference, which is to be held on 17 November 2021. The Postgraduate Law Conference aims to bring together early career scholars working in the private international law field or at the...
1st Postgraduate Law Conference of the Centre for Private International Law
The Centre for Private International Law (CPIL) of the University of Aberdeen is pleased to host its first online student conference, to be held on 17th November 2021. The Postgraduate Law Conference aims at bringing together early career scholars working in the private international law field or at the intersection...
Building a Successful Career in Corporate Law by Hammad Akhtar
-Hammad is a senior corporate partner at Pinsent Masons. He is based in the firm’s London office and is the Global Head of the firm’s Transaction Services Group which comprises its Corporate, Commercial, Tax, Competition and Employment & Reward practices. Hammad sponsors the firm’s multicultural network, FREE, and leads the...
JSCAN Special Issue on Dispute, Claims and Conflict Management
-"From Dispute Prevention to an Arbitral Award - Main Points on Diversity in the DR Community and the Applicability of the Proactive Approach"
Energy Transition and Communities (in collaboration with Nova Green Lab)
-An interactive panel discussion on the role of communities in energy transition with Lea Diestelmeier (University of Groningen) and Tavis Potts (University of Aberdeen)
AUCEL COP26 Panel Discussion Series
-Join us for critical overviews of COP26 negotiations in November 2021.
AIPN Students Club: Changing Trends in Petroleum Negotiation in Light of Energy Transition
-Join us for the annual AIPN Students Club conference featuring presentations from Prof Dr Eduardo Pereira and Dr Victria Nalule.
The Role of Private Governance in the Energy Transition in the United States
-AUCEL Energy Seminar Series 2021-2022
AUCEL Energy Seminars: In Between State Sovereignty and Transnational Economic Integration: Article 194(2) TFEU and the Evolution of EU Competences in the Energy Sector
-AUCEL Energy Seminar Series Winter-Spring 2021
International Women's Day: Fireside Chat with Lady Wise
-Join the 'School of Law Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee' and Alumna Lady Wise for this event.
POAM UK Training Workshops
-The UK POAM Team will be hosting two Training Workshops based on the POAM Best Practice Guide. This would be the first of its kind and the opportunity to consider the POAM project’s newly published Best Practice Guide on protective measures in return Hague Convention proceedings involving allegations of domestic...
Hydrogen Talks
-Hydrogen is considered to be one of the new technological tools that will help society to achieve net-zero. It provides a potential solution to decarbonization beyond the power sector, including industry, heating, shipping and aviation. “Hydrogen Talks” is a new initiative created by Dr Alvarez with the support of AUCEL to...
Conference on International Refugee Law
-The Aberdeen University Centre for Constitutional and Public International Law (CCCPIL) is pleased to host this expert conference on international refugee law: comparative policy perspectives from Asia and Europe. Featuring three world-leading experts in the field, the aim of this conference is to stimulate interest in current, real-world, challenges and...
Book Launch: The Work of School of Law Academics
-The School of Law are celebrating recent books published by its academic experts.
The International Regulatory Framework for Genome Editing: Issues and Perspectives
-Genome editing is often presented as a radical breakthrough in research and innovation that will be far reaching in its application and revolutionary in its consequences. The promotion of expectations triggers concerns in the general opinion and in the research community along the binary lines of too little regulation vs....
'Safe Deposits? The Perils and Pitfalls of Storing Gametes and Embryos'
-James Lawford-Davies from Hill Dickson International Law firm will present the HFEA’s focus and concern about storage periods. James will cover the statutory requirements regarding storage and the extension of storage periods and explain the HFEA’s guidance in relation to resolving problems relating to stored material. James has always worked in...
Corroboration, Jury Reform and Justice in Rape Cases - tying the threads together for Scotland
-Talk by PhD researcher David Lorimer from the Centre of Scots Law
Oil and Minerals for Good: Conference
-Curing the Resource Curse Moving the frontiers of Local Content, Sovereign Wealth Funds, Indigenous Peoples Rights and Impact & Benefits Sharing Agreement
Neuroscientific Evidence in Criminal Cases - Workshop
-Workshop Theme In recent years neuroscience has added to our understanding of human behaviour and these developments are likely to impact increasingly upon the criminal justice system. This workshop will provide cross-jurisdictional perspectives on how this type of evidence is treated in the courtroom. Programme 11.00 Registration and Tea/Coffee 11.30 Isla Callander, Elizabeth Shaw...
The Evolution of Land Law: some French and Scottish Perspectives
-This event is inspired by a book entitled La propriété foncière du Code civil. Un sol surface appelé à devenir volume (translated as Land ownership of the French Civil Code: when land surface area in 2D becomes a 3D object). The book – written by one of the speakers at...
Strategic Litigation and Tobacco Control
-This paper considers how Philip Morris has used international investment arbitration and World Trade Organization (WTO) dispute settlement procedures as a vehicle to introduce changes to its corporate policy, and what implications this strategy might have for International Economic Law and governments’ regulation of health. Fiona Smith is Professor of International...
A Review of the Review of the Regulation of Legal Services
-The Centre for Scots Law will host an event entitled: 'A Review of the Review of the Regulation of Legal Services' by Esther Roberton (Senior Governor of the University Court of the University of Aberdeen). It will be chaired by Malcolm Combe, senior lecturer in law at the University of...
Building Families Through Surrogacy: a stakeholder event on the reform of UK law at the University of Aberdeen with the Law Commissions
-The Law Commission and the Scottish Law Commission are undertaking a joint legislative project, the objective of which is to reform the UK laws on surrogacy (for more information see As part of this law reform project the Commissions are seeking to consult relevant stakeholders, including interested academics and...
Building Families Through Surrogacy: a stakeholder event on the reform of UK law at the University of Aberdeen with the Law Commissions
The Law Commission and the Scottish Law Commission are undertaking a joint legislative project, the objective of which is to reform the UK laws on surrogacy, including taking account of cross-border surrogacy cases. As part of this law reform project the Commissions are seeking to consult relevant stakeholders, including interested academics...
Maritime Boundary Disputes and Energy Exploration: Recent Developments and Emerging Trends
-Dr Constantinos Yiallourides, lecturer of the Aberdeen Law School, will present his latest research on maritime boundaries and energy exploration. What compels states to conclude maritime delimitation agreements is often their desire to avail themselves of the benefits accruing from offshore natural resources, especially oil, gas and other valuable minerals. Nevertheless,...
Energy Security along the New Silk Road
-Energy Security along the New Silk Road Dr Anatole Boute, Chinese University of Hong Kong Guaranteeing energy security is one of the most complex challenges of energy law and policy. Energy insecurity threatens economic development, social peace and stability. In this seminar, Dr Anatole Boute, Chinese University of Hong Kong, discusses his new...
Energy and Natural Resource Conference 2019
-This event was fully booked
The African Natural Resources and Energy Law Network presents the 2019 Energy and Natural Resource Conference. The theme of the conference is: Energy Crisis and Natural Resource Governance in Africa: Exploring the Missing Links. The objective of the event is to promote knowledge sharing and collaborations on critical issues amongst energy law researchers and...
Law Postgraduate Researchers' Conference
-The Law Postgraduate Researchers’ Conference is an opportunity for The School of Law PhD candidates to present work to their research colleagues. The event will begin at 12.30pm, with light refreshments, and followed by a series of presentations plus time for Q&A and discussion. We look forward to welcoming you...
Law Post-Graduate Summer Speakeasy
-We are pleased to announce our sixth annual Law Post-Graduate Summer Speakeasy – an informal event that combines short talks containing helpful tips for your studies, with plenty of time for socialising. There will be presentations on the follwowing topics: How to write a good dissertation/thesis How to write a good PhD proposal How to...
Public access to land: where are we now?
-In this seminar, Malcolm provides an update about recent case law on the right of responsible access conferred by the Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2003 and public rights of way, building on his recent publication The ScotWays Guide to the Law of Access to Land in Scotland. To register for this...
Protection of Abducting Mothers in Return Proceedings: Intersection between Domestic Violence and Parental Child Abduction - POAM Project Workshops
-On 28 May and 29 May 2019, the Centre for Private International Law hosted two one-day workshops on domestic violence and parental child abduction, as part of the EU-funded POAM project. The workshops were organised by Dr Katarina Trimmings (Principal Investigator), Dr Isla Callander (Co-Investigator) and Dr Onyoja Momoh (Research Assistant)....
AIPN Students Club, University of Aberdeen, hosts Seminar on Maximising Economic Recovery - An International Perspective
-The University of Aberdeen's Student Association of International Petroleum Negotiators will welcome Uisdean Vass as their keynote speaker at the event on March 20th 2019.
'Jewish and Muslim Lives in Scotland' Talk
-Jewish and Muslim Lives in Scotland by Ephraim Borowksi and Imam Ibrahim Ephraim Borowksi is Director of SCoJeC (The Scottish Council of Jewish Communities) and Imam Ibrahim is the Imam of spital mosque. The talk will discuss how these communities have settled in Scotland and the extent to which their identities have...
IGC2 New York: 28 March 2019
The International Union for the Conservation of Nature and the University of Aberdeen, Scotland, UK will attend the UN Intergovernmental Conference on Marine Genetic Resources of Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction in New York in 2019.
Centre for Scots Law Lecture
-Admission is free, all are welcome to attend