Lapsafe - Student Laptop Loan Service

Lapsafe - Student Laptop Loan Service

LapSafe Lockers

Photo of a lapsafe locker

Students and staff can borrow a Windows laptop from the self-service LapSafe lockers. These are located

  • Group Study / Floor 2, Sir Duncan Rice Library, Old Aberdeen (24 laptops)
  • Outside Room 117, first floor, MacRobert building, Old Aberdeen (36 laptops)
  • Polwarth Medical School Library, Ground floor, Foresterhill (12 laptops)
  • Room C, Flat 208, Fyfe House, Hillhead Student Village (12 laptops)

The process is quick and simple, allowing easier access for students to borrow laptops short-term for University work.

All our laptops are set up so that you can use our standard software, including Microsoft 365 , download specialist software from the Software Centre , and send your work to print in the same way you would if you were using a desktop computer on campus.

What do I need to do to borrow a laptop?

The lockers are self-service. You do not need to contact the IT Service Desk.

To borrow a laptop, all you will need is your student ID Card. The central console has a touch screen.


Frequently Asked Questions

Terms and Conditions