Your IT Account & Account Security
Your IT Account
When you receive your acceptance letter from the University of Aberdeen, you are asked to register immediately for your University IT account and email account .
On registering:
- You will be allocated a personal username and password.
- Your username will be in the format u99jb19 (undergraduate) or t99jb19 (taught postgraduate), or r99js19 (research postgraduate).
- You'll retain the same username throughout your time at University, but you should change your password at the start of each academic year.
Note: Keep your password secret. It protects your files and print budget from unauthorised access. You should change it regularly using the Password Reset service. You are also required to set up Multi-factor authentication (MFA) on your University IT account. See Passwords and Password Management and Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) below. |
You will use your username and password to access:
- IT Classroom facilities
- Personal filespace on the University network
- The Virtual Learning Environment - MyAberdeen
- The Student Hub
- The Wireless network