Support for Email

Support for Email

Undergraduate and Taught Postgraduate students - Outlook on the web

Getting started

New to the student email service?

See Microsoft's online help for guidance: or get help from within Outlook at any time by clicking the Help tab and then the Help button.

Configure mobile devices for student email

If you'd like to configure your mobile device for student email, you'll find user guides in Toolkit .

Still need assistance?

Contact the IT Service Desk on the first floor of The Sir Duncan Rice Library or room 1:122 Polwarth Building. Simply walk in during opening hours, or email . Please note that we do not provide support for student email once you have graduated from the University of Aberdeen.

Postgraduate Research Students - Outlook desktop client and Outlook on the web

Getting started

If you are new to Outlook, you might find our Email and Calendaring user guides in Toolkit helpful. You'll also find guidance here to help you configure Outlook for your Mac.

Or get help from within Outlook and Outlook on the web at any time by clicking the Help tab and then the Help button.

Still need assistance?

Contact the IT Service Desk on the first floor of The Sir Duncan Rice Library or in the Medical Library within the Polwarth Building. Simply walk in during opening hours, or email .