BeWell Digital Detox

BeWell Digital Detox

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Accessible Version:

  • Day 1 - Minimise digital distraction
    • Turn off push notifications, unsubscribe from junk emails & delete unused apps
  • Day 2 - Redirect your focus
    • Move your phone to another room during meals and engage with your environment or your people
  • Day 3 - Engage with your surroundings
    • Go for a phone-free walk or wheel in your local area, or around our beautiful campus
  • Day 4 - Become anti-social media
    • Unfollow influencers & limit social media time to a set number of minutes per day
  • Day 5 - Do something genuinely social
    • Try meeting a friend, volunteering or visiting a loved one
  • Day 6 - Use a pen
    • Draw, journal, doodle, or write a short story or letter
  • Day 7 - Care for yourself
    • Stop using your phone after 9pm and take care of yourself instead - have a bath or read a book from one of our libraries