360 Old Aberdeen Campus

360 Old Aberdeen Campus

Explore the University's Old Aberdeen Campus in 360º

Our Old Aberdeen campus is the historic heart of the University and combines immaculately preserved buildings with state-of-the-art facilities for learning, research and recreation. The cobbled streets connect the ancient crown tower of Kings College to the modern glass facade of the Sir Duncan Rice Library, recalling 525 years of education, research and discovery.

Now, using YouTube 360, we can take you on a virtual tour of 12 locations around our campus!

You can view the tour in up to 5K by clicking on YouTube's Settings cog wheel. Use your mouse or finger (depending on your device) to explore and enjoy the full 360º experience. (Note: Some older devices may require the YouTube app to view the video in 360 degrees.)

The static map at the foot of this page shows each featured location, along with their timestamps so that you can skip to your favourites in YouTube. We spend 10-20 seconds in each area, but you can pause the video at any time if you would like longer to look around a location.