Service Description
The Digital Asset Manager(aka 'DAM', 'Image Bank', 'Asset-Bank') service is a media database and storage service using a product from the software development consultancy Bright.
The software is called Asset Bank and it allows registered users to upload, annotate, store, retrieve and distribute digital images.
The database is fully searchable with each individual asset containing detailed metadata. It is also possible to generate reports and monitor usage through built-in analytics.
- Ability to upload and store digital images, video and audio
- Ability to add detailed metadata
- Ability to search database for media
- Ability to manage users access levels through Active Directory
- Ability to download digital images, video and audio (original, web, and print sizes)
- Ability to share media with internal and external users
- Ability to monitor and control usage through reports and analytics
- Restricted to UoA staff with LDAP authentication.
- New users should visit and click on 'Register for an account'
- External users can view/and or download images through the 'lightbox' feature.
Service Hours
- 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year
- Support: 09:00-17:00, Monday to Friday, excluding University closed periods
Level of Service
The Digital Asset Manager is searchable by all University of Aberdeen staff and students, however uploading and downloading is restricted to approved University staff within DIS, University Office, and the Schools.
The system is maintained, supported and fully backed-up by DIS staff within the Applications Management, Infrastructure Management and Service Management Divisions. The system uses commercial off-the-shelf software, with maintenance upgrades and additional technical support provided by Bright.
Support and Documentation
The support portal is accessed here -
Request Process
Who to contact:
- Media Services - , tel: 01224 (27)3000
User Responsibility
- Users are expected to comply with the University's Conditions for using IT Facilities.
- No charge