Staff Accounts

Staff Accounts

Service Description

Provision of a personal username and password that you will use to log in to University of Aberdeen IT systems including networked departmental PCs, classroom PCs, University email, some local web services (eg exam database), central UNIX systems, MyAberdeen (VLE), Remote Access (VPN and VDI), and the University's wireless service.

Access to full-text Library content such as online books, journals and databases is also included.


  • The allocation of a unique username, a personalised email address and password.
    • Note: New members of staff are allocated a temporary password which they are required to change on first use.
  • A default allocation (10 Gbytes) of personal filespace on the University network - appears as the H:\ drive on any networked computer you log onto on campus and is accessible via Computer or Windows Explorer.
    • Note: All work related data should be stored on a shared network drive.


All members of staff in the University.

Service Hours

  • 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year

Level of Service

  • A personal IT account and associated email address should be available for new members of staff to use 5 days before their start date.
  • Availability - see Service Hours section above.

Support and Documentation

Information about your personal IT account can be found on StaffNet .

Information about your personal filespace (H drive) can be found on StaffNet .

User Responsibility

  • Users are expected to comply with the University's Conditions for using IT Facilities.
  • Users are expected to comply with Use of Computing Facilities at the University of Aberdeen.
  • Users are expected to comply with any other current policies governing the use of IT facilities as listed under Information Policies in the Policy Zone (within StaffNet).
  • You are required to change your computing password once a year using our password changing utility


No charge.