Wireless Network

Wireless Network

Service Description

IT Services provides a centrally-managed wireless network service that allows registered users encrypted and secure access to the network-based resources from the University and the wider internet.

There are two main wireless networks available: eduroam and uoa-corporate.

These networks are available to all staff and students with a current UoA IT account, although certain conditions apply to each.

Further wireless networks may be available in certain parts of campus. These include: govroam, Aberdeen-city-connect, wireless-help, UoA-Gaming, and nhsg-staff.


  • Wireless Network access is available from most University academic, administrative and residential buildings.
  • There are two main wireless networks available:
    • eduroam - provides staff and students with authenticated access here and at participating eduroam sites world-wide. Visitors with UoA Guest IT Account may also use eduroam.
    • uoa-corporate - provides staff with University owned laptops the same level of service as a wired connection.
  • Further wireless networks may be available in certain parts of campus. These include:
    • govroam - national wi-fi roaming service for members of the UK public sector, providing secure internet access across University buildings
    • Aberdeen-city-connect - FREE public wi-fi service provided by Pinacl Solutions and intended for casual visitors to the University of Aberdeen, for example those attending open days, festivals, concerts, or other events on campus. It is ideal for downloading Google Maps, sharing photos on social media, or just browsing the internet for local information.
    • wireless-help - allows you to access software that will automatically configure your device for the University wireless services. It also provides help for anyone having trouble connecting to eduroam.
    • UoA-Gaming - allows students to connect devices such as games consoles, Amazon Fire TVs, and smart TVs to a wireless service other than eduroam.
    • nhsg-staff - this service is available to NHS Grampian staff in university buildings at Foresterhill. Any connectivity problems with this service should be reported to NHS Grampian ICT Services.
  • IT Services may additionally be able to provide authenticated or non-authenticated wireless networks for one-off special events, conferences, etc. for use in specific areas and periods of time on campus, providing that standard network services currently exist in that location.
  • With the exception of visitors with UoA Guest Accounts, users of eduroam, uoa-corporate and wireless-help can print to University of Aberdeen networked Multi-Function devices (MFDs).


  • All members of the University and visitors with UoA Guest Accounts (eduroam, wireless-help)
  • Staff & Research postgraduate students with university owned laptops (uoa-corporate)
  • Students in University of Aberdeen Halls of Residence (eduroam, UoA-Gaming)
  • NHS Grampian staff (nhsg-staff)
  • Public sector visitors with govroam account (govroam)
  • External (Aberdeen-city-connect)

Service Hours

  • 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year

Level of Service

Service Expectations

  • IT Services try to ensure a good wireless network connection in all teaching rooms and offices in academic and administrative buildings and all student bedrooms in University of Aberdeen halls of residence. To this end IT Services monitor network traffic on the wireless services to ensure that a good quality of service is available to all users. Wireless surveys are undertaken periodically, and on request, to ensure sufficient coverage in these areas.
  • UoA staff and students should use their UoA IT accounts to connect to the wireless service.
  • Visitors from other participating institutions can connect to the eduroam network when visiting Aberdeen by using credentials provided by their home organisation.
  • Visitors from organisations that participate in the govroam service can connect to the govroam wireless network in University buildings using the username and password provided by their home organisation.
  • IT Services can provide visitors with Guest IT accounts for access to the eduroam network. Application should be made by a member of UoA staff on behalf of the visitor. More information can be found on the IT Accounts web pages under the 'Additional Accounts' tab.


  • Occasional maintenance is required on the service and as such will often result in an 'at risk' period. Where possible this will occur on a weekday between 7am and 9am and be advertised on IT Services Service News web pages.
  • Not all wireless services are available in all University locations.


  • Access to uoa-corporate is available only to UoA owned and registered Windows desktop devices.
  • Wireless-help is a limited service for access to help and software.
  • Devices to be used on UoA-Gaming must first be registered via a UoA IT account. A maximum number of two devices per account can be registered and each device registration will be valid for a maximum period of 9 months.
  • Visitors from institutions that do not participate in eduroam will be unable to access the eduroam service. These visitors should use Aberdeen-city-connect.
  • govroam is a 'visited-only' service and is only available to public sector visitors with a govroam account. University IT Services do not provide support for govroam.
  • University IT Services do not provide help connecting to Aberdeen-city-connect.
  • Coverage and quality of service in locations will be assessed using standard IT Service equipment. Due to the wide variety and varying quality of wireless connected devices IT Services are not able to guarantee the coverage and quality for all wireless enabled devices, although support on a best endeavours basis will be offered.

Support and Documentation

  • IT Services provide an online wireless help service with automatic wireless configuration software.
  • Documentation for manual configuration and further assistance is also available from the online wireless help service.
  • IT Services provide support from our Service Desks to assist with connecting to any of the wireless services. Support of personal equipment is on a best endeavours basis, this is due to the many types of systems that may be encountered.

Request Process

  • Users should in the first instance attempt to configure their devices themselves, ideally through the use of the automatic wireless configuration software. Assistance in the wireless configuration of a Windows or Max OS X laptop can be sought by contacting one of our Service Desks.
  • Requests for a visitor IT account can be performed via online request or by contacting one of our Service Desks.
  • IT Services can provide visitors with Guest IT accounts for access to the eduroam wireless network. Application should be made by a member of UoA staff on behalf of the visitor. More information can be found on the IT Accounts web pages under the 'Additional Accounts' tab.
  • Additional service requests are outside our standard Service Level Descriptions (SLDs) and will be dealt with on a best endeavour basis.

User Responsibility


  • There is no cost for the use of the main wireless services: eduroam, and uoa-corporate.
  • Aberdeen-city-connect is a FREE public wi-fi service provided by Pinacl Solutions.