Revised changes to student course mailing lists

Revised changes to student course mailing lists

Do you use email lists created through Student Records? If yes, please read on.

What is happening?

On 28 January, we notified you of our intention to remove student course mailing lists from Student Records (SRS).

After careful consideration of all comments from the SRS user community, and in order to retain full functionality, we can advise that we will not now be deleting course code lists from the SRS at this time.

However, we do still need to migrate the management of mailing lists from our current list management service, Majordomo, which is being decommissioned.

When is this happening?

We will be migrating all SRS based mailing lists from Majordomo to our new list management tool, Mailman, on Thursday 25 February.

How does this affect you?

If you own a list that has been created through the SRS, you will have already received an email explaining the forthcoming changes.

Most list owners will notice no change and can continue to use lists in the same way as before.

Note that you can also use the announcements and email tools in the VLEs to contact simple, course code related lists.