Wireless WPA/TKIP Support

Wireless WPA/TKIP Support

Wireless Support

What is happening?

The university wireless systems currently support two protocols that encrypt the data traffic on the wireless networks - WPA/TKIP and WPA2/AES.

WPA/TKIP is now very old, is less secure and provides slower connection speeds than is possible with WPA2/AES. WPA/TKIP will also cease to be supported by the eduroam community in 2014.

It is therefore our intention to switch off WPA/TKIP support by the end of August 2013 prior to the start of the new term.

What should you do?

The majority of devices should already be configured to use WPA2/AES encryption. However, if you have any problems connecting to our wireless services, we would suggest you reconfigure your device. To do this please visit our automatic configuration tool at http://www.abdn.ac.uk/wireless and follow the instructions for "Connect automatically using XpressConnect!"

If you would like assistance with reconfiguring, you can bring the device to any of our walk-in Service Desks; times and locations can be found at http://www.abdn.ac.uk/dit/servicecatalogue/service-desks/