Scheduled service outages affecting students: 19 Nov–14 Dec

Scheduled service outages affecting students: 19 Nov–14 Dec

As part of the Data Centre Refurbishment project, a number of student systems will be at risk or unavailable.

What is happening?

As part of the Data Centre refurbishment project, some key IT services will be at risk or unavailable during the period 19 November – 14 December.

To minimize disruption to you, we have published a matrix of planned outages. You can download this from the project web page at

This matrix covers all the services in the University.

What should you do?

We have simplified this full matrix to just cover those areas that will impact on you as students:

outage matrix 2012

The following code is in use:

  • Green = no planned outage for the service on that day. The service is available.
  • Yellow = the service is at risk on the day and at the time indicated. If you are using the service during this period, you should save work regularly
  • Red = the service is not available on the day and at the time indicated. We have discussed this outage with the business owner and they are aware of the impact.

Although there should be no effect on other services, please be aware that these are major changes and may possibly impact them so it would be wise to save your work regularly.

Will I get a reminder of outages?

A message reminding you of the outages will appear on the classroom and library machines the day before the outages on 21st & 28th November 2012 and 4th & 7th December 2012. We will also E-mail you on 11th December 2012 to remind you of the outages on 13th / 14th December 2012.

There will be a detailed announcement from Library and Special collections regarding the services affected on 13th & 14th December 2012.