INFORMATION: Campus Wireless Users

INFORMATION: Campus Wireless Users

 Updated certificate on campus wireless network

What is happening?

The certificate that wireless clients use when authenticating on to any of the University wireless services is being updated on Friday 20th July.

What should you do?

From Friday, wireless users of Apple devices will, upon first connecting to a University wireless service, be prompted to accept the new certificate for Users of these Apple devices should accept the new certificate when prompted. You should only be prompted the first time you connect to the service. Note: Prompts to accept a new certificate for an existing wireless configuration could indicate an attempted breach of security. As such DIT will always inform you of any changes such as this which may require acceptance of a new certificate.

Most wireless clients will not need to do anything and as such Windows and Android clients should not notice any change.

Note that there will be further alterations to continue to improve the wireless service on campus throughout the summer. If you experience any issues with the above change, or with the wireless service at any time, please contact the Service Desk -