Major Power outage affecting Foresterhill site - Monday 27 February

Major Power outage affecting Foresterhill site - Monday 27 February

Telephone and network services affected - now partially restored

What is happening?

DIT are aware that, due to a major power outage within the Polwarth building, a large number of the University buildings at Foresterhill campus were without power first thing this morning.

This affected the telephone service in all buildings at Foresterhill, and the network services were also affected in the following locations:

  • BioMed Physics
  • Blood transfusion
  • Childrens hospital
  • FH Library
  • General Practice
  • Health Sciences
  • Link Building
  • Maternity
  • Polwarth
  • PC classrooms at FH  

What should you do?

Estates have been working on restoring the power to the affected parts of Foresterhill site and we believe that the only buildings still without power (and thus telephone and network services) are the Health Sciences Building and BioMedical Physics. Estates expect to have power to these two buildings restored later today.

Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience caused.