Fake Helpdesk emails

Fake Helpdesk emails

Reminder to be wary of Phishing emails.

What is happening?  

Although the University routinely intercepts and blocks between 200,000 and 250,000 spam emails per day, some spam emails do get into your email inbox.  Recently, there have been some examples of “phishing” emails that have tried to deceive users into divulging personal data.  

If you have received such an email please do not respond to the email and delete it immediately.  It will not be a genuine email from the University of Aberdeen.  If you reply, your computing account and email could be compromised and you could potentially receive thousands of SPAM messages.  

What should you do?

Please be on your guard for phishing emails.  Phishing emails are designed to maliciously harvest personal details from you to either compromise your email account or gain access to other personal data, such as banking details.  We have in the past produced information on how to spot a phishing email and you can find out more by visiting this University website http://www.abdn.ac.uk/dit/staff/news/index_1750.php.  

DIT or any genuine service would never send such unsolicited emails to you, requesting that you reply with password details.  If in doubt, always contact the service directly they will always provide another method of communication.  

If you have already responded to one of these emails and provided personal information, please change your password immediately and contact the DIT Service Desk.