Deployment of new Multi-Functional Devices (MFDs)

Deployment of new Multi-Functional Devices (MFDs)

Details on rollout of new MFDs.

What is happening?  

A phased rollout of new MFDs is currently underway. MFDs allow staff and students the ability to print, copy and scan documents from one device. Existing MFDs and printers are being replaced with new devices, building by building, across the campus. The rollout is expected to continue until the end of 2011.

Rollout Timetable

The first phase is complete and new MFDs and printers are now in place in the following buildings:

  • Polwarth
  • IMS
  • Dental School
  • Suttie Centre
  • William Guild
  • MacRobert
  • All University library locations  

The next phase starts on 17 October – see for detailed timetable.

Please note:

  • All existing MFDs will be replaced first.
  • The introduction of additional devices will start after this process is completed and in consultation with building contacts.
  • In most cases, new devices will be placed in the same location as their predecessors, however as part of the consultancy process, there will be opportunity to move new devices into more suitable locations.  

Want to know more about the new print and copy solution for staff and student?