UPDATE: Essential maintenance to computing services - Saturday/Sunday 10th & 11th April 2010

UPDATE: Essential maintenance to computing services - Saturday/Sunday 10th & 11th April 2010

Further update on the weekend work and the unavailable shared drives

What is happening?

The essential maintenance that took place over the weekend has not completed successfully.  At this time, our external suppliers are working to ascertain the cause of the issue, but we currently do not have an estimate for service restoration.  DIT is therefore switching across to our Disaster Recovery system to enable users to continue working at 10:30 this morning.

There have been several significant service outages in the last year due to failures of our aging data storage system.  Replacement of the system is in train, with a completely new data storage infrastructure due to be brought in to service in late summer this year.  

What should you do?

Save your work regularly.  Those users without access to file storage should save their work locally on their hard drive or USB drive.  When file storage becomes available again, you should copy this to the file store to enable the files to be backed up overnight.  Student file storage is unaffected by this issue.

If you are not able to connect to the file storage after 10:30 you should re-start your PC.  If after the re-start you are still unable to connect to the file storage contact the DIT Service Desk.  

Please accept our sincere apologies for the inconvenience caused.