Microsoft Web Browser Choice

Microsoft Web Browser Choice

Microsoft Windows Update patch released - choice of Web Browser to all Microsoft Windows XP, Vista & 7 operating systems.

What is happening?

Microsoft is releasing a Windows Update software patch that, when downloaded, will prompt users to choose a web browser from a choice of 12 browsers including Microsoft’s Internet Explorer version 8. Unfortunately, there has been little notification that this update was going to be released and some further work is required to validate Internet Explorer 8 with respect to a number of corporate web based systems.

What should you do?

For the majority of University supplied desktop PCs, you should not receive this update and therefore no action is required.  DIT has completed the work required to intercept the update prior to it being distributed via our own servers.

However, a limited number of University desktop, laptop and home systems may be impacted, particularly if the computer is setup to automatically download and install the latest Microsoft updates.  Once this update has been downloaded to your system you will find it very difficult to remove it.

If this update is downloaded when you restart your computer you will be presented with the following screen.

screenshot of browser choice warning

You will notice that you will only be able to select OK.  Please click OK.  On the next screen you will be prompted to select one of 12 browsers.  Do not select any of them yet.  DIT recommends that you do not update yet and should click on Select Later.

This will delay the installation.  You will be prompted again when you restart your computer, but until we are able to validate Internet Explorer 8, if you continue installation you may disable your ability to access a corporate web based application.

If you have already followed this process and updated your web browser, please contact the DIT Service Desk.


You may be aware that Microsoft has over the past few years been involved in an intensive examination by the European Commission, regarding competition in computer software.  Specifically, Microsoft has now been directed by the European Commission to provide a choice of Web Browser to all Microsoft Windows XP, Vista & 7 operating systems for new and existing hardware systems.  This has culminated in Microsoft releasing, yesterday, a Windows Update software patch that, when downloaded, will prompt users to choose a web browser from a choice of 12 browsers including Microsoft’s Internet Explorer version 8.

Should you have any concerns or queries please contact the DIT Service Desk: