UPDATE 3: Problem with Administration Filespace & Printing

UPDATE 3: Problem with Administration Filespace & Printing

Further update on Admin file share and printer issues

What is happening?

The problem with accessing the Administration file space has now stabilised and we have now managed to provide temporary access to this file space by mapping (connecting) users to another drive which has different layout/view of the data.  Some of you may already have seen this new streamlined layout.  This has proved to be the only way that we can reliably connect users to the existing data and so, in order to alleviate the problems experienced this morning we will change the mapping for drive R: to this new layout.

Additionally, we plan to restore the print service by close of business today. This will be complete and ready for tomorrow morning.

What should you do?

When you log in tomorrow morning and connect to drive R: you will need to navigate to the correct folder.  E.g. Human Resources users will need to double-click on the Human Resources folder before gaining access to other folders, Estates users will need to double-click on the Estates folder etc.  Although you may be able to see multiple folders, if you do not have permissions to access these folders you will not able to access files stored there.

Once again we apologise for the inconvenience caused and appreciate your continued patience.