Update: Problem with Exastore Shared Departmental & Home Drive File space :: Tuesday 1st Decembe

Update: Problem with Exastore Shared Departmental & Home Drive File space :: Tuesday 1st Decembe

Update: Problem with Exastore Shared Departmental & Home Drive File space :: Tuesday 1st December 2009

What is happening?

You will by now be aware that yesterday we experienced a problem with our Exastore shared file space. This resulted in delays in both logging in and an inability to connect to shared departmental drives and some personal home (H:) drives.

DIT service engineers and our vendors have worked through the night to resolve the issue, which was caused by a corruption on one of the storage disks.

However, it has transpired that the corruption was more extensive than first estimated. As a result we have had to, reluctantly, take the decision to revert to our copies of the data stored.  The service is now back in place and available.

What should you do?

You should be able to continue working normally now, but you should be aware, that as this is a copy you may find that some of your most recent files may not be up to date. Specifically, any work undertaken after 7pm Saturday 28th November may be at risk. If this is the case, please contact the DIT Service Desk, with details of the file and they will arrange for the file(s) to be restored from backup.

We sincerely apologise for the inconvenience caused and appreciate your understanding.

Should you have any concerns or queries please contact the DIT Service Desk: