Electrical shutdown - scheduled for Sunday 15 November 2009 between 08:00 and 09:30
What is happening?
As part of the project to build the new Library there is a requirement to upgrade the High Voltage network. As such Scottish and Southern Electricity must remove an existing High Voltage switch in the old heating station. Because of the age of the current equipment and for the work to be completed safely, the electricity will be shutdown in QML, Fraser Noble, Meston and St Mary’s for an hour and a half on Sunday 15th November from 08.00 – 09.30.
However, because the electricity to these buildings is being shutdown, there will be NO access to IT systems or telephones in the following buildings:
- Zoology Building
- Cruickshank Building
- The Hub
- Crombie Annexe
- Powis Gate; Muslim Prayer Room
- Rocking Horse Nursery
- Humanity Manse
- Heating Station
- Crombie-Johnston Halls
- King’s Hall
- Humanity Annexe
Remember that the following buildings also have NO electricity:
- Queen Mother Library
- Fraser Noble
- Meston
- St Mary’s
What should you do?
If you intend to work you should be aware that most DIT services such as printing, file storage and most corporate applications will not be available and that you should save any work on a local storage regularly (e.g. local hard disk or USB key) to minimise any work loss during this period.
Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience caused.
Should you have any concerns or queries please contact the DIT Service Desk:
- Tel: 3636 (externally on: 01224 273636)
- Web client: www.abdn.ac.uk/servicedesk/self-service
- E-mail: servicedesk@abdn.ac.uk