Shared Departmental and Home Drive File Space Urgent Maintenance

Shared Departmental and Home Drive File Space Urgent Maintenance

New Date: Sun 20th Sept 2009.

The following applies to EXASTORE users ONLY.

All Exastore Departmental Users should have received the following information by email. If you have not received the following information, you will NOT be affected by this upgrade to Exastore.

UPDATE: Shared Departmental File Space Urgent Maintenance - Sun 20th Sept 2009

What is happening?

We had previously informed you that there would be an essential upgrade to hardware supporting the shared departmental file space on Sunday 13th Sept.  However, due to reasons beyond our control, the essential parts to enable this upgrade have been further delayed in arriving and as such we are forced to postpone the upgrade again until Sunday 20th Sept.  The upgrade will take place, as previously indicated, between 3:00am and 10:00am on Sunday morning.  During this time the shared departmental file space will not be available.  We sincerely apologize for this further delay.

What should you do?

During this period please do not use this service, you will not be able to connect to your shared departmental drives.  If you should choose to continue working you should save your work temporarily on a local store i.e. the C drive, until the service becomes available again.  When the service is restored, you can then copy this work back to the shared file space.  If needed DIT can assist in this activity.

This will affect all shared file space that are stored on network drives located at \uoacass, \uoafs and \v-exa e.g. R, S and T drives.

Should you have any concerns or queries please contact the DIT Service Desk:
Tel: 3636 (externally on: 01224 273636)
Web client:

UPDATE: Home Drive File Space Maintenance - Sun 20th Sept 2009
What is happening?

We had previously informed you that there would be an essential upgrade to hardware supporting the shared departmental file space on Sunday 13th Sept.  However, due to reasons beyond our control, the essential parts to enable this upgrade have been further delayed in arriving and as such we are forced to postpone the upgrade again until Sunday 20th Sept.  The upgrade will take place, as previously indicated, between 3:00am and 10:00am on Sunday morning.  During this time the shared departmental file space will not be available.  We sincerely apologize for this further delay.

What should you do?

During this period please do not use this service, you will not be able to connect to your shared departmental drives.  If you should choose to continue working you should save your work temporarily on a local store i.e. the C drive, until the service becomes available again.  When the service is restored, you can then copy this work back to the shared file space.  If needed DIT can assist in this activity.

This will affect all shared file space that are stored on network drives located at \uoacass, \uoafs and \v-exa e.g. R, S and T drives.

Should you have any concerns or queries please contact the DIT Service Desk:
Tel: 3636 (externally on: 01224 273636)
Web client: