Shared departmental filespace - hardware upgrade

Shared departmental filespace - hardware upgrade

Essential upgrade scheduled for Tuesday 10 March, between 06:00 and 10:00

What is happening?

There will be an essential upgrade to hardware supporting shared departmental file space on Tuesday 10 March. This upgrade is essential to improve the resilience of the Exastore service. The upgrade will take between 18:00 and 20:00 on Tuesday evening. During this period the shared departmental file space will not be available.

What should you do?

During this period please do not use this service, you will not be able to connect to your shared departmental drives. If you should choose to continue working you should save your work temporarily on a local store i.e. the C drive, until the service becomes available again. When the service is restored, you can then copy this work back to the shared file space. If needed DIT can assist in this activity.

This will affect all shared filespace that are stored on network drives located at \uoacass, \uoafs and \v-exa eg. R, S and T drives.  

Should you have any concerns or queries please contact the DIT Service Desk: