Changes to third-party applications using your Microsoft Account

Changes to third-party applications using your Microsoft Account

Changes to third-party applications using your Microsoft Account

What is happening?

To help protect your personal information and other University data, we are making some changes to the way in which third-party applications connect to your University Microsoft account.

How will this affect me?

If you use any third-party application within Teams, or otherwise connected to your University Microsoft account, you may be prompted to review and provide consent to access to your data. If this happens, please think carefully about the information you are sharing and contact us for guidance on the use of third-party applications.
Some applications which are unverified or require significant access to your data may be blocked to reduce risk and prevent unintended data disclosure. If you have a business requirement to use one of these applications, please contact us with full details about the product, your reason for requiring access, and what access permissions are required.