Upgrade to the TinyMCE editor - Wednesday 13 February

Upgrade to the TinyMCE editor - Wednesday 13 February

Update will take place between 8am and 9am

What's happening?

TinyMCE is the rich text editor used in the admin interface for the majority of our applications including Events, News, Staff Pages, and the Course Booking system. An example of the TinyMCE editor is shown below:

 Example image of TinyMCE editor

We will be patching TinyMCE as part of the Web Team's work to prepare our applications for an upgrade to PHP.

How might this affect you?

There will be no change to the way TinyMCE works, and the update will be practically instant, so we don't anticipate that the update will have any impact on users of these admin systems.

When will this happen?

We will be making the change between 8am and 9am on Wednesday 13 February.