CGEBM operates Illumina MiSeq and NextSeq instruments for short read sequencing. Our facility also has Ion Torrent capabilities for short read applications.
The Illumina NextSeq 500 provides sequencing capacity of up to 120 Gb output sequence with up to 400M reads and 150 bp paired end reads, for transcriptome, targeted resequencing, genotyping, and other applications.
The Illumina platforms use sequencing by synthesis (SBS) chemistries.
The Ion Torrent Proton provides sequencing capacity of up to 16 Gb output with up to 80M 200 bp single end reads in a single 4 hr run. This provides a rapid and cost-effective platform for sequencing targeted panels such as exomes. Low input and FFPE material is suitable for human exome sequencing on this platform. This platform uses semiconductor sequencing chemistries .
Our BioMek 4000 robotics systems allows high throughput sample and library preparation for large studies.