Expertise and equipment

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Centre for Genome-Enabled Biology and Medicine

Expertise and equipment


CGEBM supports diverse applications, including Oxford Nanopore long-read sequencing, whole genome sequencing (de novo and resequencing), de novo whole transcriptome sequencing, RNAseq for gene expression, microbiome and microbial community profiling, metagenomics, methyl-seq, ChIPseq and targetted resequencing for genotyping, haplotyping, rare variant detection and structural variation detection.In addition, CGEBM houses a dedicated, purpose-built single cell genomics lab for RNAseq and ATACseq at single cell resolution.


Projects include microbial (prokaryotic and eukaryotic), plant and animal species that have genomes of distinct size, structure and annotation level, either with or without a reference genome.

Sample types include nucleic acid polymers extracted from fresh, frozen and FFPE cells, tissues and organisms, as well as ancient DNA from archeological skeletons, other human remains and archived tissues and herbarium samples.

Our Illumina MiSeq, Illumina NextSeq 500 and Ion Torrent Proton NGS systems are utilised for short read sequencing applications. CGEBM uses Oxford Nanopore long read sequencing for direct DNA/RNA sequencing, allowing detection of base modifications, or for applications such as improved de novo assemblies, detection of structural variants, phasing, detection of fusion transcripts, splice variant analysis, and real-time metagenomics.


The facility has dedicated technical support, specialised expertise and equipment to provide a comprehensive service from RNA or DNA extraction and library preparation, including QC and normalisation, to automated template preparation and massively parallel sequencing.

The CGEBM bioinformatics, alongside biostatistics, biocomputing and data management services provide capacity for analysis, interpretation, storage and sharing of the complex NGS datasets that are generated.