New CGEBM Publication in collaboration with UoA Gastrointestinal Research Group, Rowett Institute of Nutrition and Health & UoA Department of Pathology
Findings recently published by University of Aberdeen researchers working in collaboration with the CGEBM assess the use of colonic lavage as a proxy for endoscopic colonic biopsies for analysis of the local colonic microbiome. 16S rRNA analsysis was used to produce the key data for this paper.
For more information see:
Watt, E., Gemmell, M. R., Berry, S., Glaire, M., Farquharson, F., Louis, P., ... & Hold, G. L. (2016). Extending colonic mucosal microbiome analysis—assessment of colonic lavage as a proxy for endoscopic colonic biopsies. Microbiome, 4(1), 61. Link.
Dr Georgina Hold's research group.