
In this section

Centre for Genome-Enabled Biology and Medicine


The Centre for Genome Enabled Biology and Medicine provides a wide range of training opportunities in Bioinformatics.

For current training workshops please check here. These workshops cover a wide range of skills relevant to genomics datasets, including an introduction to Unix, QC of next generation sequencing data, genome assembly and annotation, RNA sequencing for differential expression, variant detection, microbial community analysis and an introduction to R and ggplot2.

The CGEBM have welcomed staff and student delegates from across the UK and Europe.

If you live in or are visiting Aberdeen and are interested in developing skills in bioinformatics, please register for our training courses below or contact CGEBM for more information.

Additionally, CGEBM support training in bioinformatics internationally including at:

CGEBM was delighted to have been able to send one of our bioinformaticians to support the training of a new generation of bioinformaticians in Africa at the Workshop on Microbiome and Transcriptome Analysis 2018. See the video below for more details!

Current Workshops

CGEBM 2024/25 Workshop Series

Our workshops are open to internal and external delegates from all research communities, including academia, SME and commercial organisations.

The dates for the 2024/25 workshops are detailed below. Further course details, including costs and course descriptions, are provided via the embedded link for each course. Please ensure your place is confirmed before booking travel. If you have any queries, please contact CGEBM . These courses will be delivered on our Foresterhill campus (Polwarth building, Computer room 3), unless otherwise stated, by our expert CGEBM bioinformaticians.

Date Workshop Spaces Status
Tuesday 26th November 2024 An Introduction to Unix and HPC No
Registration closed
Tuesday 3rd December 2024 Quality Control of Sequencing Data No Registration closed
Tuesday 21st January 2025 Genome Assembly and Annotation No
Registration closed
Tuesday 25th February 2025 RNA-seq and Differential Expression No Registration closed
Not offered 2024/5 Alignment, Visualisation and Variant Calling No Registration closed
Monday 28th and Tuesday 29th April 2025

Microbial Community Analysis

Yes Registration open
Tuesday 13th May 2025 Introduction to Visualisation/Plotting with R and ggplot2 Yes Registration open
after Tuesday 26th November 2024 Self-Study Online Intro to Unix and HPC Yes Registration open

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • I have no coding experience. Can I take your courses?
    • Without coding experience, you can take three of our courses. The first, 'Introduction to Unix and HPC', is designed to provide the grounding in coding that you need to use our high-performance computer systems and is a prerequisite for our 'Quality Control of Sequencing Data', 'Genome Assembly and Annotation', 'RNA-seq and Differential Expression', and 'Alignment, Visualisation and Variant Calling' courses. Two other courses, 'Microbial Community Analysis' and 'Plotting with R and ggplot2' do not involve the computer cluster but teach some fundamental aspects of coding in the R statistical language.
  • I just missed the registration deadline for a course. Can I still take it?
    • Please email Louie van de Lagemaat to check if late registration is available. This depends on whether there is time to set up any required computer account for you.
  • How do I pay for a course?
    • University of Aberdeen delegates, please raise an internal requisition to supplier Centre for Genome-Enabled Biology and Medicine (CGEBM, supplier ID 89999876). On each line in the item description box, state the name and date of a CGEBM workshop and the delegate's name. Use account code 3902.
    • External delegates, please raise a purchase order to supplier University of Aberdeen stating the CGEBM workshop and your name, marked FAO: Lynne Lumsden. On each line in the item description box, please state the name and date of a CGEBM workshop and the delegate's name. Please include VAT on your PO. For queries about VAT exemption, please contact Lynne Lumsden . When the PO has been received, an invoice will be raised and VAT will be applied according to the applicable rate. Please email a copy of your PO or your PO number to Lynne Lumsden . Use account code: 1301.
  • Does my payment have to be fully processed to register for a course?
    • No, as long as you have raised a requisition number, just provide that or the internal order number in your registration form.
  • I want to take a course, but I cannot raise a requisition number. Can I take the course?
    • Please email Louie van de Lagemaat , copying your supervisor who will need to approve spending these funds.
  • My analysis, learned on a course, doesn't run on the cluster.
    • Did you remember to load the software module first? This is done using the command module load , which makes the software available to your scripts. is the name of the software you will use, including version number.
    • To find software, use the command module spider to list all versions of the software available on the HPC.
    • Sometimes IT will have updated the software to a new and different version. If after consulting the software help you are still having problems with a new software version, report this to the Computer Service Desk so they can investigate and hopefully resolve your issue. In the meantime, you may need to use the previous/older version of the software that you used on the course.
  • Can I get help with my own analysis after a course?
    • Unfortunately, as a small team supporting a high volume of funded research projects, teaching and training, we can't provide one-on-one training. It's best to review the course materials and use the provided code/scripts on your own data, ideally soon after the course. Modify the scripts by changing input file names, locations, and parameters as needed. Use the course materials to understand and adjust the scripts accordingly.
    • If you are still finding your analysis challenging/problematic, please contact us to discuss options for a low-cost short-term analysis contract either to help you troubleshoot your analysis or to perform the analysis for you.
  • I would like to take a course that is not available above.
    • If you would like to attend any of our previous workshops that are not currently scheduled, please email CGEBM to express your interest. These may be delivered again if there is sufficient demand. You can find these detailed in the panel below.


Past CGEBM Workshops at the University of Aberdeen

Workshop Dates
Alignment, Visualisation and Variant Calling 2016 - 2020, 2023
Genome Assembly and Annotation 2015 - 2019, 2021-2023
Microbial Community Analysis with DADA2 2019, 2022, 2023
RNA Sequencing and Differential Expression 2016 - 2023
Visualisation with R 2016 - 2019, 2023
Basic Unix Skills 2022
Quality Control of Next Generation Sequencing Reads 2016 - 2019, 2021, 2022
Introduction to HPC Maxwell, the Computing Cluster 2015 - 2019, 2021
Molecular Phylogenetics 2016 & 2019
Microbial Community Analysis with MOTHUR 2015 - 2018
A Beginner's Introduction to Python for Biologists 2017
Advanced RNA Sequencing Analysis 2017
Advanced Unix 2015 - 2016
Galaxy Workshop 2014
Partek Workshop 2014