Our Policies

In this section
Our Policies


Instrument training is mandatory for any user performing unassisted cytometric analyses. Training at the machine is provided by the core staff and will encompass three hours blocks over several days and an eLearning Course. Upon completion, a certificate of competence will be given. The courses and training are available to internal and external researchers, and are bookable through iLab. It is recommended that users schedule appointments at least 1 week prior to the date of service.


Acknowledging IFCC in your papers, posters and talks you will help to ensure we continue to receive University support. In a publication that includes data (main figures or supplemental) generated within the IFCC please state: “We acknowledge the Iain Fraser Cytometry Centre for assistance with the generation of Cytometry data”. If a member of the IFCC worked closely with you on a project, you should acknowledge this. It is good practice to include their name in the acknowledgement section.In situations where intellectual input is given beyond basic training, you can offer staff as a co-authorship.

You can use our logo in a talk or a poster for a conference. This is intended to be for acknowledgement purposes.