

Human health is the focus of research at the IMS, beginning with analysis of the essential structure of the cell and the molecules that make it up. The origin of almost all disease lies at this core level - due to defects in genes, the proteins they encode or the other macromolecular bases of the cell.

From this fundamental standpoint clinical research can advance to find the cure.

Research at the IMS

Research at the IMS is driven by more than 70 principal investigators (PIs), supported by state-of-the-art facilities and technology hubs for microscopy, histology, cell sorting, qPCR and omics facilities. Discovery and translational research is supported by grant funding from research councils (UKRI) and national and local charities.

The PIs are grouped into five Research Themes capturing our expertise and critical mass. Find them by name here.

PhD Perspectives

Are you thinking of furthering your studies and wonder what it would be like to be a postgraduate research student in the Institute of Medical Sciences (IMS)?

Find out what is it like to be a postgraduate research student in the Institute of Medical Sciences (IMS) at the link below.