If you are interested in post-graduate training and wish to develop your skills in bioinformatics, the University offer a taught MSc in Biotechnology and Bioinformatics that provides in-depth training in areas central to modern biotechnology and genomics.
This includes courses in bioinformatics. Advanced Bioinformatics and Genome Sequencing (MB5522) is taught in this program by expert CGEBM bioinformaticians.
You will learn how to analyse genomics datasets using bioinformatics software to quality control and assess raw next generation sequencing data, identify the taxonomy of the source bacteria, assemble reads into a draft bacterial genome, assess the quality of your genome assembly, and annotate your genome to identify important genes such as those that encode antimicrobial drug resistance phenotypes.
The MB5522 course is also available to enrol in as part of other MSc taught programs in Life Sciences.
As bioinformatics has relevance to broad fields, please speak to your program co-ordinator if you would like to enrol on this course.
Please contact admissions for any entry requirement queries .